Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Obstetrics and Gynaecology is the oldest and largest department established right since the inception of the hospital in 1976. The department caters to the maternity and Gynaecological needs of women from across the country.

Spectrum Of Services:

Services offered include normal deliveries, episiotomies, Caesarean section, assisted breech deliveries, assisted Twin deliveries, retained placenta, forceps deliveries, cervical cautery, dilatation & curettage, suturing cervical tear, examination under anaesthesia, ectopic pregnancies, tubectomy in certain cases, cervical cytology (pap smear), hysterectomies (both abdominal & Vaginal), Caesarean hysterectomy, laparotomies, removal of ovarian cysts etc.


Facilities Include:

  • Antenatal ward 10 beds
  • Post-Op wards 10 beds
  • Maternity Ward 10 beds
  • Labour Rooms including one for Eclampsia cases-2
  • Dedicated Operation Theater slots

Quantum of services:

  • 1800 Outpatient consultations per month
  • 50-60 deliveries per month
  • 50 Gynecology surgeries per month




Dr. Sharmila Nagendran, HOD and Consultant



Dr. Nikhita Pradhan, Consultant