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Advanced Surgical Infrastructure for Exceptional Patient Care

At our hospital, we are committed to providing the highest level of patient safety and care. Our state-of-the-art surgical infrastructure is designed to exceed international standards and ensure the safe and successful performance of complex procedures.

Cutting-Edge Operating Rooms
Our four operating rooms are spacious and equipped with the latest technology, including:

Heart-lung machines with multi-channel modular monitoring systems
– Dedicated, advanced anesthesia workstations designed and manufactured to conform with relevant regulations and standards

This advanced equipment allows our skilled surgical teams to perform complex procedures with the utmost precision and safety.

Comprehensive Intensive Care Unit
Complementing our advanced operating rooms is a 19-bed, fully monitored Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This state-of-the-art facility is staffed 24/7 by a dedicated team of cardiac surgeons and anesthesiologists, ensuring that our patients receive the highest level of post-operative care and monitoring.

Commitment to Patient Safety
The combination of our cutting-edge surgical infrastructure and experienced medical team demonstrates our unwavering commitment to patient safety and care. By investing in the latest technology and maintaining the highest standards of medical practice, we are able to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes and a seamless, stress-free healthcare experience.

Cardiac surgery in progress

Cardiac ICU-Pediatric Patient