Quick stats on Blood Donation

  • An average person has 5-6 liters of blood in the body. Only about 7% of blood is taken at the time of donation.
  • In terms of volume the loss is corrected within few hours by the body.
  • The actual bleeding time is about 6-8 minutes. The bleeding is preceded by a pre-donation check up and you are advised some rest (for 10-15 minutes) and given some refreshment after donation. The whole process takes about half an hour.
  • The minimum time advised between two donations is 3 months for gents and 4 months for ladies. This gap is sufficient for the donor to regain the normal hemoglobin level.
  • Your health will not suffer because of the blood you have donated. In fact, it might help stimulate the bone marrow to produce new cells.

Eligibility for donating blood

A few basic health conditions have to be met by donors. A donor should:

  • Be between 18 and 65 years of age.
  • Have a hemoglobin level greater than 12.5 g/dl.
  • Weigh more than 45 kgs
  • Have normal body temperature at the time of donation (98.4°F)
  • Have normal Blood Pressure at the time of donation. This would mean one should not do any vigorous exercise just prior to donation.
  • Should be free of any disease at the time of donation
  • Should have had a within meal/ snack in the 3-4 hours prior to donation

More details about ‘eligibility’ are available on the Blood Donor form which will be filled before donation

Who should not donate blood?

The following categories of people should avoid donating blood:

  • Pregnant or lactating women, or those who have recently had an abortion.
  • Persons who have had an attack of infection like rubella, typhoid or malaria in the past few years.
  • People who have had jaundice after their 11th year. Such people can contact us before donating blood
  • Persons who have undergone surgery in the previous six months.
  • Persons who have consumed alcohol in the 48 hours prior to donation.
  • Women should avoid donation during their menstruating period.
  • Those who have taken various vaccinations in the recent past – for details on this, contact us at 080-28004715
  • Persons with any systemic disease like heart disease, kidney disease, liver problems, blood disorders or asthma should not donate blood.
  • Persons suffering from infections transmitted through transfusions like HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis etc should not donate blood
  • Persons with multiple sexual partners or those who are addicted to drugs
  • Persons who are on steroids, hormonal supplements or certain specified medication such as antibiotics
  • Those who have taken covid vaccine – should not donate for 14 days after the date of vaccine

Common fears/reasons for not donating blood:

I don’t like/ am scared of needles/ I am afraid to give blood…

Nearly everyone feels that way in the beginning. However, most donors will tell you that you feel only a slight initial pinch, and 7-10 minutes later you are heading towards the refreshment room.

I am too busy…

The entire process takes about half an hour (the actual bleeding time is about 6 – 8 minutes). If only you realize that half an hour of yours would mean a lifetime for a premature baby, a healthy heart for a blue-baby, a spirited life for a patient with brain tumor who otherwise would have lived like a vegetable, the life of bread-earner of the family, or the destiny of the young mother, you might decide that you can make the time to donate the gift of life.

No-one ever asked me… not sure that my blood is needed…

Consider yourself asked! There is no other way to supply the blood needs of hospital patients but for the generous donations of people like you

I already gave this year…

A normal adult male can safely donate every 90 days. And ladies can donate once in 4 months. Many donors give 3-4 times a year!

I will get infected; can get AIDS…

A new sterile needle and bag are used for each donation. The needle is discarded immediately after donation. There is no way you could get infected during donation

My blood isn’t the right type…

Every type of blood is needed. If you are having blood of a common group, there are many patients who need it. If your blood group is rare, there are fewer donors available to donate, so it is in short supply

I don’t have blood to spare & I’ll feel weak later…

The average adult body has 5 – 6 litres of blood. Only 7% of this is collected during each donation. Doctors say that healthy adults may give regularly because the body quickly replaces the blood you donate. In volume, the blood is replaced within a few hours. After donation the normal daily activities can be continued

I’m too old/ not fit for donation…

If you have any doubts, check with your physician or the staff of the blood bank. A great many medical conditions do not prevent you from donating blood, or may do so only temporarily.

I’ll wait for a special need…

In case you are willing to donate on short notice, in emergencies, inform the blood bank of the same so that they can contact you during the emergency.
Similarly if you are having a rare blood group, inform the blood bank of your interest to donate whenever the need arises

Will I feel giddy after donation?

Unlikely. The feeling of giddiness is more psychological than physiological. There is no need to be anxious about blood donation. It is safe, easy and painless


“Why donate at SSSIHMS Blood bank?”

It is common knowledge that, at most times, patients are told to find their own donors and arrange for blood for their surgery.

The blood bank at SSSIHMS provides blood free of cost to all its patients (in fact there is no charge for the entire patient treatment). Most of the other hospitals charge the patients for the blood even though you donate voluntarily

A majority of SSSIHMS patients (around 80%) come from outside Bangalore. They do not have their relatives/ friends nearby to help them in this ‘foreign’ land. You could be a good host to these needy guests by providing for this very important requirement.

And be sure… SSSIHMS maintains strict Quality Control in its blood collection and testing methods

Blood donation is one of the best forms of philanthropy – this is not a commodity that is available for purchase. Only one person can give to another and there is no substitute for it.


Blood Donation Process

Donating blood is safe and simple.

  • A few questions will be asked to determine your health status (general questions on health, donation history etc). Usually you will be asked to fill out a short form
  • A quick physical check will be done to check of certain physical parameters like blood pressure, pulse to ensure you are a healthy donor.
  • If found fit to donate, then you will be asked to lie down on a couch or a bed. Te collection site on your arm will be cleaned. Then using sterile equipments blood will be collected in a special plastic bag. Approximately 350ml of blood will be collected in one donation. Those who weigh more than 60 Kg can donate 450 ml of blood
  • Then you must rest and relax for a few minutes with a light snack and something refreshing to drink. Some snacks and juice will be provided
  • Blood will be separated into components within 4 to 6 hours of donation
  • The blood will then be taken to the laboratory for testing.
  • Once found safe, it will be kept in special storage and released when required

Post Donation

Post donation do’s and dont’s

  • Enjoy light refreshments and rest for at least for 10 – 15 minutes
  • Do not leave the donation site without the permission of a staff member.
  • If you feel dizzy or faint, lie down and if possible, elevate your legs.
  • Do not smoke for at least one hour (better to not smoke for the entire lifetime ?)
  • Drink more than usual amount of fluids – water, fruit juice, buttermilk, milk, etc
  • Avoid alcohol intake for the next 24 hours (better to avoid for the entire lifetime ?)
  • Leave the gauze or band-aid on for 4 – 6 hours, do not get it wet – it is your band of honor!
  • If you have any problem please do not hesitate to call and talk to us at 080-28004715