College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

Divine Message

Swami willed that there should be a sufficient number of trained nursing personnel and therefore training facilities for nursing personnel will be established. It is easy for doctors to perform operations. The real difficulty is in taking care of the patients after the operations. It is easy to slice vegetables. But, to prepare a tasty dish out of that is very difficult. This task of “cooking” is done by the nurses. If there is no good nursing, even the operation may be a failure. Therefore in order to train a good group of nursing personnel, training facilities are being provided. All those who are pure-hearted and filled with a spirit of service, may approach Director for undergoing training to serve in the hospital. They need not incur any expense. The entire training is free. Elsewhere, if people want to undergo such training, they have to pay all kinds of fees. Here nothing will be. charged. Everything will be provided free. Only, we want persons with pure hearts to join the course. Today we have quite a large number of people working in our hospital. But, there is more work to be done because of the ever-growing number of patients seeking relief. Hence, we need many more nursing personnel. We are asking for nurses not for Swami’s sake but for the sake of the nation.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Poornachandra Auditorium,  Guru Pournima message, 14 Jul 1992

14 Jul 92 Gurupurnima_Nursing

College of Nursing

“Hands that Help are Holier than Lips that pray”- Baba If you have compassion, caring & loving nature, patience, ability to listen to others and empathy for those who suffer, then welcome to the world of Nursing. The outcome of a successful procedure/operation depends upon the quality of care given by the nurses. Thus there is a huge requirement of skilled manpower in this field. However, acute shortage of skilled nurses and a high rate of attrition among this cadre is affecting the quality of care in Healthcare Institutions. Moreover, commercialization of Nursing education and lack of adequate training facilities has only lead to inept manpower seeking commercial gains over professional competence. As a model for ideal Nursing education, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Instituted the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, College of Nursing on 1st September 2008. It is one and only College which provides Graduate Nursing education of high standards to deserving and eligible candidates completely Free of Cost. SSSIHMS, College of Nursing follows a unique concept of education called the ‘Value-Based Integrated Education’ wherein opportunities are provided to the students for an all- round development of personality. It is the only College where students go through an ‘Education in Human Values’ program which imparts value based education. The Institute aims to produce ‘Humane Healthcare Professionals’ who value patient care more than commercial gain, and who are equipped with the best of skills required to guarantee best clinical outcomes.

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences – College of Nursing is affiliated to The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for its B.Sc Nursing program with a permitted intake of 40 seats. Admissions for the 4 year program in B.Sc Nursing are carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued by the University from time to time.

Candidates would need to pay for their boarding and food at subsidize rates. The candidates would also need to pay the charges payable to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. 


College of Allied Health Sciences

Allied Health professionals are an integral part of the medical team along with Physicians and Nurses contributing their expertise to the preventive, curative and rehabilitative care of the patients. Acute shortage of skilled professionals in these positions is affecting the quality of care in Healthcare Institutions. Moreover, lack of adequate training facilities has only lead to inexperienced manpower who pursue commercial gain over professional competence. Against this backdrop, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Instituted the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, College of Allied Health Sciences on 1st September 2008. It is one and only College which provides Graduate Allied Health Sciences education of high standards to deserving and eligible candidates completely Free of Cost. SSSIHMS, College of Allied Health Sciences follows a unique concept of education called the ‘Value-Based Integrated Education’ wherein opportunities are provided to the students for an all- round development of personality. It is the only College where students go through an ‘Education in Human Values’ program which imparts value based education. The Institute aims to produce ‘Humane Healthcare Professionals’ who value patient care more than money, and who are equipped with best of skills required to be the best in their fields.

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences – College of Allied Health Sciences is affiliated to The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for running B.Sc Anesthesia & Operation Technology, B.Sc Cardiac Care Technology, B.Sc Imaging Technology, B.Sc Medical Laboratory Technology and B.Sc Perfusion Technology courses with an annual intake of 10 students in each program. Admissions for the 4 year program in B.Sc Allied Health Sciences are carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued by the University from time to time.

Candidates would need to pay for their boarding and food at subsidize rates. The candidates would also need to pay the charges payable to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. 




Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield is offering completely free of cost, 4 years course leading to Bachelors degree in Nursing, Bachelors degree in Anesthesia & Operation Technology, Cardiac Care Technology, Imaging Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology and Perfusion Technology under the aegis of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. All the courses are meant for only Girl Students, and it is a fully residential program. The students will have to pay for boarding and lodging charges, as well as, any other fees mandated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS).

Interested candidates may apply online for Common Entrance Test conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority using the link provided below:

The eligibility criteria is as follows:

  1. AGE:

Candidates should have completed minimum 17 years on or before 31st of December in the year of application for admission.


10+2, PUC or any other qualifying examination conducted by Boards/ Councils/ Intermediate Education established by State Governments/ Central Government and recognized as equivalent to two-year Pre-University examination by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences/ Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

  1. SUBJECTS IN 10+2/ PUC:

Candidates should have passed subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English (PCBE). For B.Sc Imaging Technology, the candidate should have passed with Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and English. Minimum aggregate of 45% required.

The course details are provided in our website






For further information

Contact: 080-28004763 or  080-28004640


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