Neurosciences form a major group in the clinical services at SSSIHMS, Whitefield, Bangalore. The services include outpatient & inpatient services in Neurology & Neurosurgery, a total of 158 bed inpatient facility that includes a 38 bed intensive care unit (both critical care & post operative).
The Department is considered one of the best Neuroscience services in the country. Patients come here from all parts of India & abroad seeking second opinion for their neurological problem or surgery for a complex disease. The clinical support services include a 24hrs emergency service, 4 modern neurosurgery operating rooms, Neuro anaesthesia services, well equipped intensive care, radiology & imaging that includes Siemens Magetom Aera 1.5 Tesla MRI, GE HD 750 CT Scanner and Siemens biplane cathlab.
In keeping with our commitment to provide the best in treatment to our patients, we were the first hospital in India to procure a Neuro Navigation system to access deep seated tumors.